Grey whale

Schleich ----- A wonderful large figure that is now sold by Mojo, but originally sculpted by Maia & Borges of Portugal. A plethora of detail, but the shape of the rostrum lets it down a bit. Length 29,5 cm

Safari ltd Monterey Bay Aquarium ----- A fantastic grey whale, with a great head sculpt, pectoral fins and flukes. While this is my personal favourite model of this species, I have a hard time deciding which one is the most accurate; this one or the Schleich. The sculpt of this one is for most part more accurate, save for the shape of the body. But the Schleich has such wonderful detail that makes it look much more real. Length 35 cm

CollectA ----- Quite a nice sculpt, but the barnacles reminds one of insect eggs of some kind. Not CollectA's finest, sadly. Length 24 cm

Larami ----- One of the easier to find Larami whales. Rostrum too wide, eyes too big, body too slender... it's a Larami, what did you expect? Length 21,5 cm

Toy Major, 1994 version ----- A pretty well made figure, the sculpt of which seems to be loosely based on the Monterey Bay series by Safari ltd. There are better grey whale figures available, but the detail is not bad at all (it has sculpted mammary slits and throat grooves). Length 18 cm

Colorata ----- Part of the DX Marine Mammals set. The body is a bit short, but the head sculpt and detailing is great. Length 11 cm


Missing: Play Visions large version