Atlantic humpback dolphin

Play Visions ----- The only figure made so far of this species is this small Play Visions. It's a pretty good representation of the species, with the fatty hump below of the dorsal fin and some nice muscle detail. Length 7,4 cm
Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin

Safari ltd Dolphins Toob ----- The Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin has a larger presence in the toy animal world than the Atlantic one, no doubt because of its pink colouration. This one is from the absolutely fantastic Dolphins Toob by Safari ltd. It has a nice sculpt with a simple plain pink colour. Length 8,8 cm
Missing: Naturalism, Recur
White-beaked dolphin

Safari ltd Dolphins Toob ----- Another fantastic figure from the Dolphins Toob is this white-beaked dolphin, my personal favourite dolphin species. It has a bulky body and short beak true to the species, though I would have liked a slightly larger dorsal fin. Length 9,1 cm
Pacific white-sided dolphin

CollectA ----- A good sculpt, a not so good paintjob. I'm personally not a fan of the 'Seaworld-esque' pose (looks like it is forced to beach itself and perform a trick) but the anatomy is very good with the large falcate dorsal fin that males have and a short beak with gently sloping melon. A repaint would do this sculpt justice. Length 15 cm

Safari ltd Monterey Bay Aquarium ----- This gem is the hardest to find cetacean of the Monterey Bay collection by Safari. Like most figures from this set it has a great sculpt, and also a pretty great paintjob. Length 11,3 cm

Safari ltd Whales & Dolphins Toob ----- It seems not many reference pictures were used when designing this figure. The beak is very long and.... maybe it's better to point out the good parts of this figure or we'll be here for a long time. The dorsal fin is pretty good. Length 7 cm

Colorata Marine Mammals box----- A lovely little dolphin with a good sculpt and paint job. Length 7 cm

Colorata Marine Mammals Deluxe box ----- Another great Pacific white-sided dolphin by Colorata. Like the other figures in this set, the mouth is open showing the tiny carefully sculpted teeth. Length 6,7 cm

Kinto Favorite ----- Lovely large (for a dolphin; most dolphin models are no bigger than 10 cm) model with a great sculpt but a very bad paintjob. Length 18 cm
Missing: K&M Bulk
Atlantic white-sided dolphin

Safari ltd Wild Safari ----- A lovely figure of a beautiful dolphin species that does not have my figures, especially not in a larger scale. The figure is quite bulky (could represent a pregnant female) and it lacks the stripe between the eye and pectoral fin but it's a great figure overall. Length 12 cm

Safari ltd Dolphins Toob ----- Another figure of this species made by Safari, this one being a Toob figure is of course smaller. The sculpt is actually a bit more accurate than the Wild Safari figure, but I prefer the paint job on the larger model. Length 8,9 cm

K&M/Wild Republic ----- One of the more interesting figures from the Whales and Dolphins Nature Tube by Wild Republic. Not the best sculpt or paint job, but there are worse ones in that set and I always appreciate figures of more obscure species. Length 7 cm
Dusky dolphin

K&M/Wild Republic ----- Another very interesting species choice from the Whales and Dolphins Nature Tube. It doesn't resemble the species super well and looks a little bit more like a Peale's dolphin. But this is the species Wild Republic attaches to this figure, and since that makes it the first dusky dolphin figure, I can't complain. Length 7,6 cm
Hourglass dolphin

Play Visions ----- A cute little figure from the Dolphins bulk set by Play Visions. This one is a lot easier to find than the larger hourglass dolphin by this company. The body is too sleek for this species but the short beak and paint job are nice. Length 7,4 cm

Safari ltd Dolphins Toob ----- One of many great figures from this set, this hourglass dolphin's sculpt is pretty much spot-on. Length 7,6 cm

Nayab/Happy Kin ----- An interesting figure for an interesting species, this dolphin sits on some waves and has a fish in its mouth! The figure itself is pretty good, aside from the dorsal fin that is too straight and the strange wrinkly texture on its skin that a lot of Nayab cetaceans have. Length 12 cm
Missing: Play Visions large version
Spotted dolphins

Safari ltd Wild Safari ----- This model, which has been retired for a long time and is pretty hard to find, probably resembles an Atlantic spotted dolphin the best. It has a relatively short but heavy beak similar to that of a bottlenose dolphin, and the body is bulky too. Overall it's maybe not the most realistic model but I do really like the paint job with the mix of light and dark spots. Length 13,3 cm

K&M rubber ----- One of many hard to find dolphin figures by K&M, this Pantropical spotted dolphin is from a pack (pod) of 4 rubber dolphins using the same moulds but different paint schemes to represent different species. Larger versions, using a different but similar sculpt, also exist. The long beak and paint scheme on this Pantropical spotted dolphin represents the species quite well. Length 11,7 cm

Play Visions ----- A small dolphin that looks like its covered in chocolate sprinkles. A different version exists with dark blue instead of grey. Length 7,2 cm

Safari ltd Whales & Dolphins Toob ----- This Toob set has been around for a while and has changed a bit over time in terms of paint. For this spotted dolphin, this newer version is an improvement over the old one. Sculpt is still the same of course, like other dolphins from this set it boasts a huge dorsal fin. If we had to put a specific species name on it, I would say Pantropical because of the long beak. Length 7 cm

Safari ltd Dolphins Toob ----- From the fantastic Dolphins Toob, this spotted dolphin is the odd one out. It's smaller than the other ones in this set and, while the sculpt is still great, probably my least favourite because of the paint scheme. Length 7,5 cm

K&M/Wild Republic Nature Tube ----- A cartoony looking sculpt with a very simple paint job (although I have seen it without spots as well, so I got lucky). Length 8,7 cm

Nayab/Happy Kin ----- A pretty good sculpt for sure, paint job is not bad. It has 'Pantropical spotted dolphin' stamped on the belly, but I think it represents the Atlantic one a bit better. Length 13 cm
Missing: K&M Dolphins Bulk, K&M rubber large version, Wildlife Artists Inc, Kenner Wonder World mouth closed, Kenner Wonder World mouth open
Striped dolphin

Safari ltd Dolphins Toob ----- The only striped dolphin figure that probably won't take years to hunt down. Like the other figures from this set it represents its species very well. Length 8,9 cm

K&M Pacific Bulk ----- A small and hard to find figure. Interestingly, out of 4 striped dolphin figures made, 3 of them are by K&M, the other two being larger rubber models. This is a nice model with quite a lot of detail for its size. Length 7,7 cm
Missing: K&M rubber, K&M rubber large version
Common dolphin

Maia & Borges ----- A mould now used by Mojo, the original M&B version has a more attractive and accurate paint scheme. The sculpt is pretty good, aside from the laterally wide beak/rostrum. Length 13,3 cm

Papo ----- This mould was first used for a bottlenose dolphin which is now retired. I think it's a nice re-use of a mould. The bulky build of a bottlenose doesn't fit too well for a common dolphin, but it's always nice to see a dolphin figure that is not a bottlenose! Length 11,5 cm

K&M/Wild Republic Nature Tube ----- One of the better figures from this set, the sculpt and paint of this common dolphin are not bad. Length 8,2 cm

Safari ltd Dolphins Toob ----- Great sculpt, as can be expected from this Toob, which represents a long-beaked common dolphin (no longer seen as a seperate species) well. Paint job lets it down a bit. The yellow patch looks sloppy and there is no hourglass pattern present. Length 9 cm

Safari ltd Whales & Dolphins Toob ----- While some individuals of this species are a bit more grey and dull than others, this figure looks a little bit sad. Older versions of this figure have a much more interesting paint scheme. Sculpt is not great either way sadly. Length 7 cm
Missing: K&M Dolphins Bulk, K&M rubber, K&M rubber large version, Nayab/Happy Kin, Kenner Wonder World mouth closed, Kenner Wonder World mouth open, Wildlife Artists Inc
Northern right whale dolphin

Nayab/Happy Kin ----- This company sure knows how to make interesting species and this one is my personal favourite. While the blue shades instead of black and white are a strange choice, the sculpt is good and this figure is a must have for any species collector. Length 13,5 cm
Southern right whale dolphin

Safari ltd Dolphins toob ----- Once again a great model from this Toob. The sloping melon, slender body and small flukes characteristic of this genus are present on this figure. Length 9 cm

Luen Fat Plastic Fty ----- This seems to be a very rare and mysterious figure. Luen Fat Plastic seems to be a company that produces toys for other companies. I cannot find any information on who this model was produced for, and if it was part of a set including other animal figures. Either way, figures of obscure species are always welcome and it's not a bad sculpt either. Length 8 cm
Commerson's dolphin

K&M rubber ----- Almost as rare and mysterious as the figure above. K&M has a lot of obscure and rare figures, including a lot of dolphins, but I didn't know this one existed until I saw a pair of them for sale. The seller informed me they were most likely originally aquired in 2001. Seemingly it wasn't in production for long since it doesn't show up in a catalog from 2004 (which does include the other rubber dolphins). As for the model itself, aside from the strangely placed eyes it's pretty nice, with correctly shaped fins. Length 11,6 cm

Colorata ----- A very tiny but wonderfully made model, one of the smallest in my collection which is fitting for this small species. Length 4,5 cm

Play Visions small ----- A nice model which represents the species much better than the larger version (which is a re-coloured hourglass dolphin). The head is a bit too round but the dorsal fin is in the correct shape and placement and the overall body shape is accurate. Length 7,2 cm
Missing: Play Visions large version, The Access, K&M dolphins bulk
Hector's dolphin

UK Yowie ----- Perhaps not entirely accurate, at least the pose isn't, but it's adorable. Paint scheme looks quite pleasing too. Length 8,6 cm
Missing: SSS
Irrawaddy dolphin

Safari ltd Dolphins Toob ----- Like the other figures from this set, this is a nice accurate model, albeit a bit boring looking. Some detail like scars or creases in the neck area would have been nice, perhaps. Length 9 cm
Missing: US Yowie
Risso's dolphin

Nayab/Happy Kin ----- The only Risso's dolphin toy made is this one by Happy Kin/Nayab. It's a nice model overall, my main complaint would be the positioning of the eyes which are set too high and too much to the front of the head.
Pilot whale

CollectA ----- Great model representing an adult male short-finned pilot whale. It has a bulbous melon, strongly curved (and correctly placed) dorsal fin and deep tail stock. I would have preferred a darker colour for it but it's a very nice representation of this quite well known but in toy form rare genus. Length 20 cm

Safari ltd Wild Safari ----- This is a good model, but much less lifelike than the CollectA. The eyes are a little bit goofy and the markings are absent or inaccurate. Length 16,5 cm
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